Robocare: A multidisciplinary view of practical and ethical issues

CHIRON project leads Professor Nigel Harris and Dr Richard Curry will be speaking at the Royal Society of Medicine on 4th December 2017. The presentation will consider the place of robotics and autonomous systems technology in the home, review some of the challenges associated with the design of these systems and outline the development of the…

Our Robotic Future

Our Robotic Future was held in Google Campus on 30th June 2017. For digital and robotic entrepreneurs, this UK Robotics Week event covered the challenges faced once funding for your digital start-up or robotic idea has been obtained. Ben Ryan, CEO and Founder of Ambionics (@ambionics_uk), kicked off the evening speaking about a unique prosthetic…

Startup to Finished Product – An Entrepreneur’s Perspective

CHIRON is holding an event in Google Campus on 30th June called: ‘Startup to Finished Product – An Entrepreneur’s Perspective’. What’s it about? While the name is long, this event should be exciting (and interesting, we hope!) For digital and robotic entrepreneurs, this event covers the challenges faced once funding for your start-up or idea…

Does AI pose a threat to society?

By Alan Winfield This blog has been reposted with the permission of the author. You can view the original here.  One Friday afternoon, in 2009, I was called by a science journalist at, I recall, the Sunday Times. He asked me if I knew that there was to be a meeting of the AAAI to…

Retiring with robots? How older folks will get high-tech help

By Katie Collins, CNET CHIRON recently got a mention on CBS news. The article (copied below) was originally published here.  When you think about growing old together with somebody, that person probably isn’t made of circuitry or runs on a processor. That certainly wasn’t the thinking of Les Middlewood. The 63-year-old from the UK took…

UK Robotics Week Competition

CHIRON Care Robotics Art Challenge CHIRON is holding an arts competition in conjunction with UK Robotics Week 2017 to encourage people to think creatively about how we care for people in the future. The UK has a growing population of people who need care and a limited workforce and budget to do it with. Using robots…

European Robotics Forum 2017

CHIRON hosted a workshop at the European Robotics Forum on 23rd March 2017. From 22nd – 24th March, over 800 researchers, engineers and robots descended on Edinburgh for forum, as well as some of the CHIRON consortium leads who were lucky enough to attend. CHIRON’s workshop was called: “Strategies for Deploying and Delivering Ethical, Sustainable and Acceptable…

Give & Take Care launch

Give & Take Care is a non-technological approach to solving the workforce shortage and providing care for the future older population. Based around the idea of volunteering, it is an initiative of time exchange that hopes to be revolutionary. Last Friday I attended the Give & Take Care launch in The Piggott School in Twyford…

Robots vs Humanity

Should robots have faces? Can you fall in love with a robot? Will robots rule the future? These are some of the questions that were approached at last Thursday 1st December at ‘Robots vs Humanity’, an event organised by the CHIRON project. The sold out event, held at Google Campus in London, saw people from…

Five New Robots in 2016

MiRo MiRo, by Sebastian Conran Associates, is marketed as a “biomimetic companion robot”. Modelled on a dog – albeit a dog that will transmit news of any problems in the home to a hub, remind you to take your medicine, and remind you of your visitors’ names – MiRo was met with derision recently by…